George Wharmby

Council position
Electoral division
Glossop North and Rural
Serving communities
Dinting, Charlesworth, Chisworth, Old Glossop and Padfield.
Contact details
- Telephone
County Hall: 01629 536039
Home: 01457 856905
Mobile: 07748 920253
- Post
199 Sheffield Road,
SK13 8QX
I'm always keen to get feedback, good or bad, on county council related matters so you can help shape what we do and how we do it, both now and in years to come. Young people can make their voice heard through the council's b_line website (opens in a new window) or by emailing
You can also come along to any Derbyshire County Council meetings which take place five times a year, usually on a Wednesday afternoon, at its headquarters in Matlock. You can either just watch the proceedings or you can ask a question. See our See our openness at meetings information for details of how to do this.
Surgery times
If you need to see me please use the contact details given here.
About me
I was elected on to the council in May 2005 where, as well as being the authority's civic head, I'm a member of the Resources Improvement and Scrutiny Committee, the Places Improvement and Scrutiny Committee, and Chairman of the Improvement and Scrutiny Management Committee.
I'm married to Jean, who represents the neighbouring county council division of Glossop South. I'm also a High Peak Borough (opens in a new window) councillor for St John's ward.
Outside bodies
This lists all other groups and organisations with which the councillor holds a position or is involved.
I represent the council on a number of outside organisations or bodies
Financial and other interests
This declaration shows information relating to business, property, contracts or organisation membership.
Councillors to a make a statement of Financial and Other Interests of themselves and their spouse, civil partner or person they are living with as husband and wife or civil partner. View my declaration
Political details
Expenses claims
Expenses claims have been published from 1 October 2011. If no claims are displayed the member may not have submitted a claim yet or may never claim expenses.
The following documents are in Portable Document Format (PDF). You can download software to view PDF documents for free from the Adobe website (opens in a new window)
- Councillor G Wharmby 1 October 2012 to 26 November 2012 (140KB)
- Councillor G Wharmby 15 August 2012 to 20 September 2012 (133KB)
- Councillor G Wharmby 2 July 2012 to 27 July 2012 (124KB)
- Councillor G Wharmby 8 June 2012 to 26 June 2012 (123KB)
- Councillor G Wharmby 1 May 2012 to 30 May 2012 (121KB)
- Councillor G Wharmby 8 November 2011 to 25 April 2012 (267KB)
- Councillor G Wharmby 6 January 2012 to 31 January 2012 (131KB)
- Councillor G Wharmby 9 August 2011 to 27 October 2011 (128KB)