This is one of the best days I have ever seen and had the pleasure of enjoying in Old Glossop.
Congratulations must be given to all who helped and participated in making it such a great spectacle , High Peak Borough Council, High Peak Councillors, especially local Councillor Garry Parvin, local residents, local pubs, stall holders, everybody who came in costumes and finally "Good Things the Social and Community arm of Glossop RC Parishes" who were the main instigators of the dedication and market.
I am sure the Monks from Basingwerk would have been very pleased with the dedication.
I am also certain that our Ancestors and Old Gods would have been very impressed by the decorations which followed the Old Religion's traditions.
The following phots were taken by myself and other members oft he public who attended.
When a village is allowed to come together and stage such an event it is so pleasing to see our children enjoy themselves so much especially with the dancing, stocks and coconut shy.
They will remember this and will always be able to say I was at the first Modern day Medieval Market.
I would also like to mention the dogs, with all the pubs in Old Glossop being dog friendly, the number of visitors who I heard saying "It looks as if everybody in Old Glossop owns a dog" was very pleasing .
In my case my dog Autumn had a grand time meeting her doggie friends old and new.
My final comment is " Lets make it an Annual event" instead of a one off.
Link to Medieval Market Video Page
Anybody who has photos to share please email me them and I will update this page. Also links to stall holder websites.

Links to Stall Holders and Groups
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